Resource Controllers
Resource Controllers are called when Kubernetes resources are created, modified, or deleted. They are configured to watch specific resource types, have methods for responding to such updates.
Reconcilers are responsible for bringing the actual state of a resource to the desired state, which is expressed in the Custom Resource object specification.
When a reconcile event is triggered, it is always passed the current state of the resource to be reconciled.
A reconciler must be idempotent
A function is said to be idempotent if it can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.
Reconcile is triggered by the following events:
- A resource has been created.
- A resource has been updated.
- A resource failed reconciliation and was requeued.
- An object with an
to the resource.
In its simplest form, this is what the ReconcileAsync
method looks like:
using Neon.Operator;
using Neon.Operator.Controllers;
public class ExampleController : ResourceControllerBase<V1ExampleEntity>
public override async Task<ResourceControllerResult> ReconcileAsync(V1ExampleEntity resource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// TODO: apply logic
return ResourceControllerResult.Ok();
Status Updates
is called when the status of a resource has changed.
public override async Task StatusModifiedAsync(V1ExampleEntity resource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// react to status update
When a reconcile event throws an exception, it will be requeued.
Global defaults
Global defaults can be configured by setting ResourceManagerOptions
in ConfigureOperator
var k8s = KubernetesOperatorHost
.ConfigureOperator(configure =>
configure.ResourceManagerOptions = new ResourceManagerOptions()
ErrorMaxRequeueInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
ErrorMaxRetryCount = 10,
ErrorMinRequeueInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
await = k8s.RunAsync();
Controller specific
Controllers are configurable by passing ResourceManagerOptions
to your controller when calling AddController
To do this manual configuration, automatic configuration should be disabled by adding the [Controller(Ignore = true)]
attribute to the controller.
To do this manual configuration, automatic configuration should be disabled by adding the [Controller(Ignore = true)]
attribute to the controller. :::
using Neon.Operator;
using Neon.Operator.ResourceManager;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options: new ResourceManagerOptions()
ErrorMaxRequeueInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
ErrorMaxRetryCount = 10,
ErrorMinRequeueInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
Manual requeue
public override async Task<ResourceControllerResult> ReconcileAsync(V1ExampleEntity resource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
return ResourceControllerResult.RequeueEvent(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Leader election
The following methods are provided for reacting to leadership events.
public override async Task OnPromotionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// Controller was promoted to leader.
public override async Task OnDemotionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// Controller is no longer leader.
public override async Task OnNewLeaderAsyncc(string identity, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// There is a new leader. The identity of the new leader is given.
Leader election can be configured by setting LeaderElectionConfig
when adding a controller via AddController
To do this manual configuration, automatic configuration should be disabled by adding the [Controller(Ignore = true)]
attribute to the controller.
using Neon.Operator;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
leaderConfig: new LeaderElectionConfig(
k8s: K8s,
@namespace: "default",
leaseName: $"example.controller",
identity: Pod.Name))
Filtering resources can be achieved by applying
field selectors and/or
label selectors. Both label selectors and
field selectors are comma-separated key=value
Field Selectors
Field selectors can be set either by the Controller
attribute, or by the ResourceManagerOptions.FieldSelector
[Controller(FieldSelector = "")]
public class ExampleController : ResourceControllerBase<ExampleResource>
Label Selectors
Field selectors can be set either by the Controller
attribute, or by the ResourceManagerOptions.FieldSelector
[Controller(LabelSelector = ",")]
public class ExampleController : ResourceControllerBase<ExampleResource>
Dependent Resources
In many cases, an operator creates a bunch of Kubernetes resources in the cluster, as a result of reconciling a
. For instance, the etcd-operator creates two services and a number of pods for a single EtcdCluster CR. In
this case, all the Kubernetes resources created by the operator for a CR is defined as dependent resources. The
etcd-operator may want to watch the pods that it created in case it needs to reconcile again.
can be defined by adding an annotation to the Controller
using Neon.Operator;
using Neon.Operator.Controllers;
public class EtcdController : ResourceControllerBase<V1EtcdCluster>
// Controller implementation.
Controllers are configurable by setting DependentResources
in ResourceManagerOptions
when adding a controller via
in Startup.cs
To do this manual configuration, automatic configuration should be disabled by adding the [Controller(Ignore = true)]
attribute to the controller.
using Neon.Operator;
using Neon.Operator.ResourceManager;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options: new ResourceManagerOptions()
DependentResources = new List<IDependentResource>()
new DependentResource<V1Pod>(),
new DependentResource<V1Service>()